Our Favorite Things with Sassafras

 Random Thoughts and Musings

From the Keyboards of Kinz and Llis

Featuring Sassafras


Heylo, my peeps! I hope all my fantastic OAGGOR had a wonderful Independence Day last week! I have an announcement (okay, a few announcements haha) to make. Let’s do this in an orderly fashion with a numbered list, because I have more announcements than I thought I did when I started writing. XD

  1. Kinzie, as some of you probably know, is taking A GAZILLION trips. Therefore, the two of us will be taking a break from posting for the rest of the summer. *weeping and gnashing of teeth from all OAGGOR* I’m sorry! We’ll miss posting until school starts back up. *weeps along with everyone*

  2. We wrote this post a reallyyyyyy long time ago, so you’ll notice that we were trying to be optimistic (we actually started writing it right after our school rants XD). Just a heads-up so you guys don’t get confused lol.

  3. Our first National Typo Day is July 31st!! Don’t forget! We need as much participation as possible. :) Let’s all look like idiots together, OAGGOR. XDXDXD

  4. One last thing, and then I’m done! XD Some of you may remember Sassafras from one of the posts we did with Bren, in which Sassafras starred in helping us come up with the nickname “PRB.” We’re so happy to have her back with us!

And now that we got all that out of the way, without any further ado (except for another longgggg[ish] intro from Kinz and Llis XD), you may all read post #14 (*gasp* Wow!!!) of RTAM, featuring Sassafras! :)


Hey, guys! Today we have a very special guest . . . *drumroll* SASSAFRAS!!!! Yes!!! And for those of you who are wondering WHO this mysterious Sassafras is . . . well . . . keep wondering. 😉 All you need to know is that she’s AMAZING!!!!! XD YES! We decided a Q&A like we’d done with Rome would be fun, so I guess you guys are destined to know YET more about our crazy lives! Our school rants were kind of depressing, so we thought we’d do a post on our favorite things! *cues the song* 🤣“Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens, bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens, brown paper packages tied up with strings. These are a few of my favorite things . . .” YES!!! I LOVE THAT SONG SO MUCH!!!!!!! SO GREAT!!!! YES!!!! THAT MOVIE IS AMAZING!! Okay, enough with the singing. Back to our post! 😂 Yes, back to our Q&A. Enjoy, everyone!!!!


Romans 8:28 “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose.”

That is my favorite verse because it reminds me that when it feels like everything is spiraling out of control, God is in charge. God has a great plan for me! Although most of the time I don’t understand what he’s doing, I can trust Him!


What/who is your favorite . . .

  1. Quote?

“If a commission by an earthly king is considered an honor, how can a commission by a Heavenly King be considered a sacrifice?” - David Livingstone (Wow, convicting, isn’t it?)

“Never say “I can’t,” because you have a God who will take away the apostrophe and the t.”

“I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen: not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else.”

- C.S. Lewis

  1. Bible character? 



Ruth, because later in her life she was known as a godly young woman who served others with all of her heart. That’s what I want to be known as!

  1. Book in the Bible?

Psalms or Proverbs



  1. Food?

Ice cream

Either my mom’s cheeseball (it’s AMAZING), or ice cream. Oh, and I LOVE pasta. 😋

Chocolate!! (It’s edible, so I think it counts! 😉)

  1. Pizza topping?

Bacon. (It adds such amazing flavor!)

Black olives!! 

Pepperoni and banana peppers

  1. Ice cream flavor?

I had this flavor once that was called Butter Brickle. It was soooo good with little pieces of toffee in it . . . *hunger*

Coffee! Coffee with the little pieces of chocolate in it, or even swirls of caramel is AMAZING. 

I don’t really like ice cream that much! (HOW????!!!!!! 😂) If I had to choose, Espresso Chip Explosion!

  1. Type of cuisine (Italian, Chinese, Indian, etc.)?

Italian and Chinese



  1. Beverage?

Well, before I’m going to sing, it’s milk. (You see, dairy is mucus-forming, so not good before singing lol.) Any other time . . . hot chocolate!!

Hot tea or lemonade, coffee if it’s decaf. 

Sweet tea

  1. Restaurant? 

Olive Garden

The Melting Pot. I’ve only been once, but it was AMAZING.

I’m a Chick-fil-a girl!

  1. Recipe?

Probably this recipe for Lemon Blueberry Pancakes that’s a hit in my house.

Cooking isn’t one of my GREATEST talents 🤣 (XDXDXD See post #1, folks. And even if you’ve already read it, it was so long ago, you all need to go read it again. Lol, yes. XD), so I don’t have a favorite recipe. 😉😂

Fresh strawberry cobbler

  1. Kind of jewelry (bracelet, necklace, ring, etc.)?




  1. Hairstyle on yourself?

For comfort, a high ponytail or bun. For how it looks, wavy hair after I take it out of braids.

I like my natural hair. I have longggggg (waist/hip-length [depending on how curly it decides to be]) curly/wavy brown hair. On a good day, I really like it! Besides that, I LOVE braids!

Waterfall braid

  1. Makeup item?

Mascara. I have really blue eyes, so it works wonders (Yeah, Allison’s eyes are such a gorgeous shade of blue! Awww, thank you!! You’re welcome! ♥). 😂

Concealer. Like all normal teenagers, I have acne, so it’s a lifesaver. 😂

A bit of mascara is all I need!

  1. Clothing store?

Anything that gives me modest, cute, and comfy clothes!

Cato or Maurice’s 


  1. Book?

Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

Almost anything by Louisa May Alcott or Lynn Austin. 

This one is so hard since I have so many! I think I would have to say Things as They Are by Amy Carmichael.

  1. Genre of books/movies? And music?

Books - classics, Movies - I have no idea. Action, maybe? I’ll watch pretty much anything, tbh. Music - classical or opera

Historical fiction and/or adventure! As for music, I mainly stick to hymns or classical.

For books, it would be historical fiction/Christian romance (as all the guys roll their eyes. . . 🤣). For movies, I’d choose action (like Marvel), Christian (like God’s Not Dead and I Still Believe), or again, Christian romance lol. And lastly, for music, I like CCM. More specifically, Christian rock and/or pop (NOT praise and worship).

  1. Movie?

Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation (with a filter, ofc)

Hmm . . . IDK! I’m more of a bookworm! (Girl after my own heart! XD)

The Greatest Showman! (‘Cause every night I lie in bed, the brightest colors fill my head, a million dreams are keeping me awake. . . XD)


I LOVE the sound of cello. Sadly, I’ve never played it haha.


Cello, of course! I love its rich tones!

  1. Song?

Beethoven’s 5th symphony, probably.

“The Precious Blood”

“Walking in Your Sandals” by Brendan Rardon

  1. Board game?


The Game of Life!

Ticket to Ride! Or if I’m in the mood to take over the world *evil laugh* Risk! XDXDXD Excellent choice!

  1. Hobby?




  1. Subject?


Don’t have one. I hate them all. 🤣 It used to be science, but read our other post for more on that. XD 

Definitely Biology! . . . Kinzie! Don’t give me that look! XDXD I’m taking college Human Bio rn, and it’s a lot of fun! (: *gives you that look anyway* 🤣 I’m not buying it lol. 

  1. Dream vacation destination? 


IRELAND!!!! I’ve always wanted to go there.

I want to go to the Rocky Mountains! And then go hiking or trail riding! 

  1. Color?



Dark blue . . . but also pine green. I guess that’s two!

  1. Nickname that people call you?

Probably “Llis the Iretalian, Queen of Random” (Shoutout to Robert for that one lol. I’m Irish and Italian. And random, but that goes without saying at this point. XD)

Kinz (yeah, my NN isn’t that exciting haha)

Lol I guess my favorite would be Sassafras . . . XD (Yayyy!! XD Kinzie and I [and a friend of Sassafras’s] came up with that one haha.)

  1. Memory together?

I enjoyed when we were InvisiBioChatting these huge white messages on our bios. XDXDXD It was probably so obvious, but still great.

That time when Kinzie and Llis were “arguing” about whether the crying emoji (😭) looked like it was crying buckets or a waterfall of tears! I was sitting there just silently shaking! XDXD

Staying up late and talking to the girls! Allison goes to bed at a decent time (unlike the rest of us. . . XD), but I would spam her anyway while I talked to Sassafras. 😂 XDXD I love being spammed! Wait, no, I take that back. OAGGOR, YOU’D BETTER NOT BE SPAMMING ME RIGHT NOW!!!!!! 🤣 I accept spamming only from Kinzie and a few other people. XD I feel so honored lol. (*cough* Rabbit, you know who you are. XP)

  1. Animal to have as a pet?

Dog. Sadly, I don’t have one. *sniff, sniff* I would be fine with a cat too, tbh. Cats are awesome, Allison! You need one. 😂

CAT! My cat Shadow is amazing.

Horses!!! (Or if that doesn’t count then a German Shepherd puppy!)

  1. Exotic animal?

Uh, one that won’t kill me? XD Lol!


White tiger

  1. Sport to watch? To play?

Basketball for both.

I’m not really a sports person, but probably basketball. I’ll only watch it if somebody I know is playing lol, and I’ll only play it with my brother. 😂

Basketball! Horseback riding is a sport! Look it up!

  1. Word?

Euphoric. It’s just so descriptive!!!

Horrendous. It’s such a fun word to say. XD


Well, there you have it, folks! Learning more about Kinz and Llis through their crazy friends. XDXDXD TTLY!!!!!!!!

Until next time!

Kinz, Llis, and Sassafras
