Interview with Mer

 Random Thoughts and Musings

From the Keyboards of Kinz and Llis

Featuring Mer


Greetings and salutations!! We have a special guest today, and you guys may remember her from a previous post. Hola amigos and amigas!! 😆 Thanks Kinzie and Llis for letting me come on again! Yeah, we’re super excited to have you! ♥ This is going to be so much fun!! Indeed! This post is going to be extra interesting (even more so than the typical RTAM post, which would only be classified as fascinating 😉 Yes! 😂), because Mer will be telling us all about a missions trip she took to the Dominican Republic!!! Yayy! Oh my goodness, it was amazing! That’s awesome! I can’t wait to hear about it. So without further ado . . . here we go with  post #16!!! 😊


Isaiah 6:8  “Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me.

When I read this, the first thing I see is Isaiah’s willingness. As soon as He hears God’s voice and Him asking this, He doesn’t even think for a minute before saying that he will go. He is so determined to serve the Lord and be his servant, that he without a doubt, not knowing where or what lies ahead, says, “YES” to God and what he wants! For a long time I read this verse and didn’t know the true meaning of it, and until you know the meaning and recognize the significance of it, you can’t understand how amazing it is! When I felt God calling me to missions and this trip especially, I didn’t want to question God’s calling or say no . . . I wanted to be like Isaiah and tell God yes, because I know that He is all that matters! Our purpose while we are here is to glorify and worship God! Our desire should be to make His name known, and by telling God yes, like Isaiah, we are doing what we are called and designed to do! I want to live a life fully for God and when He calls me, I want to go! 


  1. Why did you decide to take this missions trip? Do you feel like God is calling you to be a missionary? God had been calling me for a long time to missions, but I was finding the right time to go. Of course the pandemic took place in 2020, so I wasn’t able to go anywhere that year, and this year the team I wanted to go with wasn’t traveling because of COVID! I prayed about it for a long time, and randomly, after a lot of praying a pastor from the DR contacted my pastor! He knew I had been trying to find a missions trip and was praying about it, so he contacted me right away. I knew God brought this trip to my view for a reason and I couldn’t say no! I do believe God is calling me to missions and/or ministry of some sort! I am so willing and ready if He is! Back in 2019 I really felt the calling after my first missions trip, and it has become stronger and more evident since then! 

  2. Tell us more about the Dominican Republic. Why did you choose a Spanish-speaking country? 

So my first missions trip was to Honduras, and I felt a tug on my heart for that group of people and language as soon as I got there. I wanted to be able to speak the language and share the gospel with all I could, but I knew I was supposed to learn that language. As soon as I got home, I started learning it and really felt God wanting me to move forward with it! I prayed that if I learned that language He would provide a way for me to use it, and He most certainly did! It really wasn’t my choosing, but when you are willing and committed to God, He brings it to you and tells you! 

  1. What were some of the things you did while you were in the DR? 

So, we were at a camp, and for the 3 ½ weeks, we helped with that! We helped cook the meals and serve those, we cleaned, swept and mopped the comedor (the cafeteria), helped with the games they had each night, helped with all of the campers, and really any random job they needed us to do! 

  1. What was the most memorable part of your trip?

Goodness, there were SO many memories made on this trip, but I think one of the most amazing memories was getting to lead a group of girls to Christ!! For two of the three weeks, I shared a cabin with the campers and the girls in that cabin came not knowing anything about having a relationship with Christ! They knew who He was, but they had no clue you had to have a relationship. I began having conversations about God with them every day for that one week, and they asked so many questions. With the little bit of Spanish I know, and the little bit of English they knew, we talked! We talked until 2-3 o’clock in the morning, and about 2 days before they left camp, at one of the services, they accepted Christ! I’m so thankful God let me have this opportunity to witness  to them and be a big sister to these girls! I would have had no idea something like that would happen and I would get to witness it! God is so good! 

  1. Is there anything else about your trip that you want to tell our readers?

Hmm, I think that, When God calls you to something or you feel God putting something on your heart, don’t put it to the side or act like it was nothing. God has a plan for all of us, and if we are fully submitted to God and want to serve Him, we will give everything to do so!! Our purpose is to glorify and worship Him,  and make His name known! If that’s at school, being a witness to your friends, talking to your neighbors about Jesus, with co-workers, bringing those conversations in where you can, somewhere on the other side of the world.. wherever God provides! He can and He will use you! Just submit to Him and whatever and whenever He calls you, be ready and willing to go!! Serving God brings so much joy! God is so glorified in this and He is worthy of it! I’m praying you all seek God everyday and where He calls you, you go, without hesitation! ❤️

Wow, thank you so very much for sharing your experiences with us, Mer! I don’t know about our readers, but I was truly blessed! Aw sweetie! I’m so glad! May God be glorified! I was  blessed by the experience. 😭 I’m so glad you got to do that, Mer! That’s so cool that you got to impact those kids’ lives like that. 💖 I’m also super glad that we got to do this post with you; it’s been awesome!! 🤗🤗🤗

Until next time!

Kinz, Llis, and Mer


  1. I'm the absolute worst person on the planet at reading cursive-y writing, so I confess I had to C&P this post onto somewhere else and change the font to something plain and boring, but that's just me dealing with details 😂 My real thoughts about this post? Wow. Wow. . . The passion for missions, the opportunity to help for nearly a month in a Christian camp in another country with another language and people that have different mindsets, different views of who God is, different customs and practices, all things it takes time and devotion and heart to adapt to for the sake of serving and ultimately having interactions like Mer was able to have with the girls at camp, opening up to them a whole new family with her like a sister to them and God as their new Father; it's all amazing, and nothing less. This is one reader, one OAGGOR roari-I mean telling you I was blessed to read this too! I've never met you, Mer, but thank you so so much for sharing all of this!! (And ty Kinz and Llis for bringing her on 😉) You and I both know God will guide, He will lead, and He will provide, and it's uplifting to hear how He's been doing it in your life and using you to bring the same into the lives of the people you were able to minister to. From this point on, you'll have my prayers among the countless others I hope are encouraging you and passing on your needs to God even if you don't know it.

    1. Oops, sorry, didn't realize I'd have to sign it lol. Next time I'll remember. . .

      - Robert Lamm

    2. Thank you so much for your sweet comment, Robert! :) We really appreciate the feedback.
      (And we're discussing possible options for those OAGGOR who don't like cursive fonts. XD)
      ~Kinz and Llis

  2. Robert, that's so encouraging to hear! God is so good and I was truly blessed by this opportunity to share this. I'm glad to hear it was a blessing to you as well! And absolutely, it was so great to do this with the girls! Thank you for the prayers! They are much appreciated. I pray and hope this encourages others like you! Praying for you as well! :)

  3. Wow! It sounds like your trip was absolutely incredible. I was so touched reading this, it’s amazing what happened with those girls. God is going to use you to do amazing things <3

  4. I’m sorry, I have no idea why that went through twice!

  5. respost (xD):

    oh my gosh <33 love this so much!! this blog is so so inspiring and touching in so many different levels!! I literally teared up reading this, i kid you not-- i agree 100%, God’s call is so unpredictable but so beautifully perfect and fit for every single person. I’ve been going through so much trials and pain as i learn to fully submit myself/surrender myself completely to Him alone, and this has truly been so inspiring and exactly the encouragement that i needed today. pls keep going with this blog! i can see it impacting so much more people in the future. God bless each of you and know that a girl in Seattle has been so touched by these words~~ ❤️❤️
    also llis, when u see this, respond on forums: T/D? 😉


    1. Thank you so much, Hannah! Your sweet comment was such a blessing to us! <3 That is an excellent thought--thank you for sharing. And we definitely plan on keeping RTAM going for as long as possible! 😉

      (Will do. 😉 ~Llis)

      ~Kinz and Llis


  6. God is going to use you in big ways Mer! I am so glad you got to have this wonderful experience! The thrill of leading someone to the Lord for the first time is indescribable! Thank you so much for sharing this with us. It was very encouraging to me!



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