History vs. Science: The ULTIMATE Debate!!!

 Random Thoughts and Musings

From the Keyboards of Kinz and Llis


Hey, guys! We are back with another RIVETING RTAM post!!!! *the crowd goes wild* 😂 Yes! *wants to say something about how famous we are, but doesn’t know what to say* We are VERY famous, Allison. How many followers do we have on our blog again? 4!!! XD FOUR!!!! WE HAVE FOUR FOLLOWERS!!!! We are practically celebrities, Allison!!! 🤣 YEAH!!!! You guys should be so impressed that you know us. Go brag to all your friends. Seriously. 😉 Yes!! So then maybe by next post, we’ll have FIVE followers!!!! 🤣🤣🤣 HAHA!!!!! Exactly!!! Now, guys, this was DEFINITELY not just an entire intro to get all of you to go follow us (or is it . . .? 😂). Absolutely not. *shakes head convincingly*Lol! Well, while we would LOVE to write an entire post advertising RTAM, that isn’t what we originally intended to do. 🤦‍♀️ So . . . BACK to what we were writing before we started ad libbing. We WERE going to introduce you guys to the topic of the day. Allison and I are going to debate about. . . *drumroll, please* . . . our favorite subjects!!! Allison’s fav is History, and mine is SCIENCE. *many, MANY boos come from the audience* Now, I know you guys already know whose fav subject is superior, BUT we’re going to do this debate for Allison’s benefit. Poor Allison, who actually believes history is INTERESTING. 🤣 Poor Kinzie, who actually believes that SCIENCE (I mean, DISSECTIONS?! REALLY???!!!!!! That’s the subject you want to pick as your favorite???? THAT’S BIOLOGY, BUSTERETH!!!!! NOT SCIENCE!!!!! XD) is anything more than a waste of time!! Well, now that you guys have gotten a taste of our TOTAL insanity . . . ON WITH THE POST!!!!! XD (And don’t forget to follow us! 😉) HAHA!


Psalm 27:1 “The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?”

I love this verse so much!! It is very true. No matter how much the world tries to overwhelm us with their darkness, they can’t because our light comes from God, and He is within us! We don’t need to look to anyone else for our daily needs, because He will always provide them! He is always there for us. Yes! And we don’t have to be afraid because greater is He that is in us, than He that is in the world. Our God has conquered sin AND the grave; what do we have to fear?! 


We all know this is a totally pointless debate (yes, it totally is 🤣), but Kinzie, would you like to start by sharing a reason why you like science (even though it will be completely and utterly pounded into the ground by my history buffs and me 😉)? *ignores that snide remark* 😂 Sure! I like science because it is very INTERESTING, unlike some other subjects, say history. 😉😂 *patronizing sigh* Kinzie, Kinzie, Kinzie. Don’t you know that that is entirely a matter of opinion?! XD I mean, there’s no way to debate which is more interesting. Although we could take a vote in the comments, and that would be a good way of judging OAGGOR sentiment. Yes, that’s actually a very good idea! But still, I like science because it is interesting to ME lol. What is a reason you like HISTORY of all things?! Well, everyone knows that history is important. I mean, we’ve all heard that quote, “Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it.” Well yeah, but science actually impacts our daily lives! Us being able to even write this blog (and talk to each other at all) is credited to science!!! Not history! I fail to see how this is science, but then again, I’m not all that great with technology . . .Lol!! It seems like it would fall into the “science” category to me, but maybe I’m wrong. 😂 I feel like it’s probably mostly math, but since neither of us is really sure, we can just drop it. XD (Wow, now we look bad in our own blog. *facepalm* XDXDXD) 🤣 Well I mean, if you’re taking Chem, math IS science, so. . . 😂 This is getting way too deep for my little brain. XD Whose idea was this post again?! Your brain is definitely NOT little, and I do believe it was your suggestion, my dear. 🤣 I beg to differ haha. Oh yeah. True. WELL, WHY DON’T WE MOVE TO A DIFFERENT REASON LOL? LET’S. 😂 All right, guys, here’s a winning question. Would you rather learn about something EXCITING, like World War II, or something BORING, like the Periodic Table of the Elements?! Okay, WWII is definitely NOT exciting. And I’d just like to point out that I CRIED when I read about one of those wars in WH (World History lol) last year. NOT FUN!!! I’ve cried in science before too (I’m a crier lol), but it WASN’T because we were reading anything tragic, let me tell you (science can be frustrating, as much as I love it lol)!! Kinzie, I have cried MANY times about science (not as many as math, but still), and I can’t remember  ever ONCE crying about history. Well, I have cried about bad grades in history too. And math. I HATE SCHOOL!!!!! 🤣 Yeah, there’s no way either of us is going to argue for math. That takes a special soul. Like James (my brother). Or Bren. Crazy, those two . . . XD Amen!!!! 😂 Well anyway, we have obviously strayed from our original debate. 😂 Shall we call a truce, my amazing best friend? *sigh* I suppose we'll have to. But I totally would've won if we stayed on topic. 😉🤣 Totally . . . 😂

Until next time! 

Kinz and Llis


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