In Which Kinz and Llis Review Books and Give a Special Announcement

 Random Thoughts and Musings

From the Keyboards of Kinz and Llis


Good morning (or afternoon, or evening), OAGGOR!!! Welcome back to RTAM! Before we begin this post, we have two awesome people to mention. Yes!! We wanted to give a special shoutout to Madelyn and Elly for following RTAM since our last blog post! Thank you, girls!!! ♥ Everyone be like our two new favorite people lol!!! 😉 Haha! But on to post #18!  In this post, Allison and I are going to tell you guys about what books we’ve been reading lately. And lest all our non-reading OAGGOR moan and groan and skip this post entirely (DON’T YOU DARE!!!!! XD YEAH, YOU BETTER HANG ON EVERY WORD!!!!! 🤣), I’ll let you in on a little secret. 😉 We have a super-special, super-exciting, super-awesome announcement at the end of the post that everyone will enjoy! (No, it’s not that Kinzie and I are meeting up soon lol. But it’s still good!) Yes!! You guys will LOVE it!!! I feel like this is the moment where everybody’s parents are like “You have to go to sleep so that Christmas morning will come faster!” So, without further ado, let’s get on with the post so our thrilling announcement will come quicker! 🤣 That’s a great illustration, EXCEPT that no RTAM post is as horrendous as SLEEP! XD WHAT?! Sleep is AMAZING!!!! 😅 As amazing as RTAM??? YES!!!!!! XD  NO!! XD And now we sound like two little kids fighting over which present is ours. . . 🤣 Oops. Well, ANYWAY, enjoy this post AND the announcement! 😁


Isaiah 26:3 “Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.”

I love this verse (I love all of Isaiah, actually 😅)!!!! It is so very, very true. If we trust in God and continue to meditate on Him and how wonderful He is, we will have perfect peace! It reminds me of when Peter was walking on the water. As long as he continued to look to Jesus, he was fine. But as soon as his gaze shifted to the storm and the waves swirling around him, he started sinking. Just like Peter, we must keep our hearts and minds focused on Christ to stay afloat during the storms of life; if we get distracted by the seething world around us, it will rob us of our peace, and we will quickly sink in the turbulence of the tempest. That’s a great thought, Kinzie! So great I don’t even have anything to add haha. Lol, thanks! ♥


Murder on the Orient Express by Agatha Christie

5 ⭐

Illustrious detective Hercule Poirot is on a train when a man is brutally murdered in the middle of the night. Poirot has to uncover deep secrets about the man’s treacherous past, as well as . . . other things.

One of the things I especially enjoyed was the surprise ending! I had all the pieces, but I didn’t put them together, and I was DEFINITELY not expecting what happened. I never would’ve figured it out in a million years! Good thing Poirot was on the case instead of me. 😂

The characters were also REALLY well-developed, and the murderer could easily have been any one of them.

This was my first time reading an Agatha Christie mystery, and I LOVED IT!!!!!!! It’s been quite a while since I’ve read a mystery, but this one was gripping! I will definitely be reading more of her books. You all need to go read it right now and then tell me what you thought in the comments!!!! You won’t regret it!

The only thing that I didn’t like about this book is that there was a little bit of language. The D-word was used, but that was the only one, and it was only used a few times.

Glass House: Shattering the Myth of Evolution by Ken Ham and Bodie Hodge 

5 ⭐ 

This book is AMAZING. I fully expect every one of you guys to go out and buy this book RIGHT NOW!!!! THIS INSTANT!!!! WE WILL RESUME THIS BOOK REVIEW AFTER YOU GO ORDER THIS BOOK!!!!! 😂 *waits* Okay! Back to the review. 😂 I love this book because it really sheds some light on the evolutionary standpoint. I mean, it’s not like I thought evolution was a possibility haha, but reading about it from a Christian standpoint really strengthened my faith! Like, even though scientists believe evolution to be true, this book tells how fallible it truly is. The only thing we should put our faith and trust in is the infallible word of God! If you want to read a heavier, sciency book that will encourage you in the faith, read Glass House!! 😁

The Centurion’s Wife by Jannette Oke

4 ⭐

This book wasn’t QUITE as show-stopping as the last one, but if you are looking for an easy-read Christian romance, this is the book for you! It is set in Jerusalem and the surrounding area right after the crucifixion of Jesus, and the story centers around Leah, a young woman who is the servant of Pilate’s wife. A marriage has been arranged between Leah and a mysterious centurion named Alban. They have never met, but Leah knows she doesn’t want to be married to someone she doesn’t know or love (and really, can you blame her?!). As Leah attempts to find a way out of this “bondage” to Alban, he is attempting to discover the truth about Jesus’ alleged resurrection. Will the two be able to come together and find the answers to their burning questions about this Jesus who is supposedly “risen”? Or will it all go up in flames?! I know the answer, but most people don’t like spoilers (I don’t get it, BUT WHATEVER 😂), so read the book to find out!!!

Well, there you have it, OAGGOR! The latest and greatest books, rated by the latest and greatest bloggers! 😉 Lol!!! I hope you enjoyed our post, and maybe you’ll have some more books to add to your book list (and if you don’t currently have a book list, you should start one! 😂 You DEFINITELY should.). 😊 Now for our exciting announcement!!! For our next post, we have decided to let our OAGGOR participate!!!!!! Isn’t that so exciting???? *speaks for all OAGGOR* Yes, yes it is. 😅 *commercial voice* And you can be a part of it! Yes, you! Lol!!! Simply email us at if you’d like to be included, and we will let you know what you get to do! (And if you don’t have Google Docs, go ahead and get it so that you can write post #19 with us and become famous! XD) Yeah! Please contact us; you won’t regret it! I’m looking forward to our next fun-filled post with you guys!!!!! 🤗 As am I! One last thing--we post bi-weekly, so if you don’t contact us by October 25th, we won’t be able to feature you. 😭 And that would be tragic. Very much so. 😔 Be sure to email us ASAP to reserve your spot!! Byeeee, OAGGOR!! (I suggest that you all sign up if only to get a sneak peek into what the next post is, otherwise you’ll have to wait at least TWO WEEKS.😉)

Until next time!

Kinz and Llis


  1. Hmmm I'll check out some of those books to review and post on me website. I've read Murder on the Orient Express and I've read some Janette Oke, But I might have to refer the Oke book to Elly. I like a little romance in my books but a book about romance isn't my cup of tea particularly. Sue me lol. But maybe I'll look into it myself, idk.

    1. Okay! Lol, we forgive you for not wanting to read the romance. BUT ALL YOU GIRLS BETTER GO READ IT!!!!! XD

      ~Kinz and Llis

    2. I've read Murder on the Orient Express!! Great book!! I absolutely love mysteries!! Good job summarizing Llis! That makes me want to go read it again!


    3. Thank you!! You totally should. :)



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